Mary Tarsha

Mary S. Tarsha, M.Ed.


Mary Tarsha received her master’s degree in empirical research in child studies at Vanderbilt University and is currently pursuing a dual PhD at the University of Notre Dame in  developmental psychology and peace studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Research.  She investigates the neurobiology of moral development, including peaceableness, cooperation, and prosocial/antisocial morality with a particular focus on how early life facilitates (or not) the biosocial construction of wellbeing and sociomorality.  The goal of her research is to probe the mechanisms of action by which the Evolved Developmental Niche (or Evolved Nest) promotes human flourishing and thriving, promoting healthier, more peaceable children and families.  She conducts research at the Evolutionary Developmental Moral Psychology Laboratory, under the directorship of Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D.  She is also pursuing a minor in quantitative methods.